When Should You Upgrade Your Industrial Floor? - Flooring Contractor Near Me

Knowing when you need to upgrade your industrial floor isn’t always easy. You may not be sure exactly what you need or what your industry requires. However, the key to a great looking floor that does its job is upgrading at the right time with the right materials. 

TW Hicks, Inc. - flooring contractor near me - is your best resource for high-quality, cutting-edge industrial flooring solutions throughout Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and beyond. From decorative flooring to long-lasting floors for heavy manufacturing TW Hicks, Inc. has the tools and expertise to tackle your needs and surpass your expectations. 

Here are the four surefire signs to look out for when you need to upgrade your industrial flooring from your best flooring contractor near me

Signs You Should Upgrade Your Industrial Flooring Solution

The Floor is Damaged - Although industrial floors are made to be strong and durable, damage can still occur overtime. When damage does occur it can often be repaired, but eventually you’ll want to upgrade your entire floor to avoid costly repairs. 

There Are Better Flooring Solutions Available - Flooring technology has vastly improved from what was available 10 years ago. If your industrial flooring has been around awhile, there may be a variety of better solutions to choose from. With new techniques and materials, you could have a flooring system that performs better with a longer life span. 

The Floor Looks Old and Worn - Even the toughest industrial floors look worn and out-dated over time, especially when enduring heavy traffic, machinery, and vehicles. When your flooring solution doesn’t showcase the business at its best, it’s time for an upgrade to something aesthetic and durable. 

Your Business’s Flooring Requirements Have Changed - Industry requirements often change over time. If your business has altered in any way or your industry has released new flooring requirements, you will need a new flooring solution. There are various floors best suited for different work requirements, so a change in regulation could mean a new floor that performs better. 

Upgrade Your Industrial Floor Today

If your floors are experiencing any of the signs above, you may be thinking about upgrading your industrial floor solution. With over 30-years of experience in the industry - you’ve come to the right place. TW Hicks, Inc. - flooring contractor near me - offers a wide range of industrial flooring solutions and services. 

To learn more about what we can do for you, get in touch with our team. Contact TW Hicks, Inc. at 866) 841-3484 or via the online contact form. We’re happy to help by phone, email, or in-person. 

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