Stadium Flooring: A First Look at Austin FC Stadium

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As an industry leader, we have the opportunity to work on projects big and small. One recent project that we have been very excited to be a part of is the Austin FC Stadium. Read on to learn more about this recent stadium flooring endeavor:

About Austin FC Stadium

Austin FC Stadium, officially Q2 Stadium, is a $260 million state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Austin. It was completed in Spring 2021. The stadium is named in partnership with Q2 Holdings Inc., a company specializing in digital solutions for banking and lending, headquartered in Austin, Texas. Austin FC President Andy Loughnane says, “Q2 Stadium holds the distinction of being the first and only major league venue in Austin, and Austin FC is exceptionally proud to begin our MLS journey with Q2 as our partner and Q2 Stadium is our home.” Learn more about this partnership here.

About the Flooring Solutions by T.W. Hicks

The facility itself is a whopping 29,697 square feet, so extensive flooring was needed. Our team at T.W. Hicks carefully evaluated each area of flooring needed – from concession stands to kitchens, to pantries, and bar areas – to assess which flooring solutions would be most durable and provide the aesthetics desired for a stadium of this magnitude. We worked closely in partnership with Austin Commercial to ensure each detail was done to the highest standards. Stadium flooring is its own animal, and as one of the best flooring companies in Texas, we were up to the challenge! A decorative quartz flooring system was the flooring of choice to do the job beautifully throughout the stadium.

T.W. Hicks: Leader in Stadium Flooring Solutions and more in Austin, Texas

Need commercial flooring done in the Hill Country? T.W. Hicks is an industry leader in stadium flooring solutions and more, and we would love to visit with you about your project. We specialize in manufacturing facilities, food & beverage flooring, distribution facilities, animal services, automotive, and more. Our industry knowledge is vast; set up a consultation today to see what we can do for you!

Best of luck to the Austin FC in their inaugural season at the new stadium! Our team at T.W. Hicks is rooting for you and proud to be a part of building this fantastic stadium.

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